
  • By Asianna Holloway
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Life at Boys Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Donnie Wheatley discusses life at Boys Home during the COVID-19 crisis:

There’s no doubt we are living in extraordinary times, and Boys Home is no exception. Executive director Donnie Wheatley takes a moment to share some of the changes and precautions the leadership team at Boys Home has taken recently to keep our students and our community safe and healthy. Despite an interruption to their normal schedule, students continue to learn, participate in the work program, communicate regularly with their families, and enjoy many of the recreational opportunities the Boys Home campus has to offer.

Through all of the uncertainty, Boys Home students have shown incredible resilience. They continue to accept all the new guidelines with grace, and do what needs to be done in a way that is inspiring to all staff members.

We encourage you to take a moment to hear from Donnie Wheatley himself.

  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • Events, News, Uncategorized

Boys Home Quilt Raffle

Make a difference in the life of a young man!

Your donation helps provide education, housing, and basic living expenses for young men whose lives have been negatively impacted by poverty or family instability. Together, we can give each boy at Boys Home a second chance at success! 

On June 5, 2020, Boys Home will raffle off a beautiful quilt! The quilt measures 84″ x 105,” and it will fit a queen sized bed. Executive Director Donnie Wheatley’s sister, Phyllis Gibson, made and donated the quilt for this year’s raffle.

Tickets are $5 each, or 10 for $45. To purchase, fill out the ticket above and send it in with your donation! To purchase via credit card, please call (540) 965-7707. 

  • By Asianna Holloway
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  • News, Uncategorized

How Boys Home is Responding to COVID-19

During these uncertain times, students and staff are going through many changes. But one thing will always remain the same at Boys Home of Virginia. For over 100 years, we have cared for the children entrusted to us, and that will always be our number one priority.

To help maintain student safety, we’ve shifted our classes to out-of-classroom learning. Our teachers are engaging the students via computers and other assigned work, check and find more info at propery management san diego rentals. Each of our students have been provided with a computer, and we are working with parents and guardians to ensure that we put the best plan in place for each student. Some families have opted to have their child return home. In those cases, parents are responsible for picking up their children, and extensive measures are put in place to keep our campus safe as they exit. They will also monitor classes via remote learning.

We are keeping up with the most recent updates from our governor and the president, adjusting as necessary and appropriate. On campus, we have adjusted dining practices (students no longer eat in the dining hall but rather in their cottages), recreation opportunities, work schedules, visitors on campus, etc. to comply with current guidelines.

We know things are difficult and far from normal, but we are grateful for the kindness and support of our community.

  • By Asianna Holloway
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  • News, Uncategorized

Thank you to Sunrise Rotary Club of Lexington, VA

Two members from the Sunrise Rotary Club of Lexington visited the Boys Home campus on Friday, January 17. Club Director Susan Cross and Community Service Chairperson Monty Kennedy presented Executive Director Donnie Wheatley with a check. The Sunrise Rotary Club consist of members from the Lexington and Rockbridge County area.

On March 5, Mr. Wheatley traveled to Lexington to share the Boys Home story with their membership.

Thank you to Sunrise Rotary Club of Lexington, Susan and Monty, for your hospitality and financial support of Boys Home!

  • By Asianna Holloway
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  • News, Uncategorized

Gym Floor Dedication Ceremony

Boys Home of Virginia held a dedication ceremony on Monday, February 24th at 1:00 p.m. for their newly renovated gymnasium floor. We would like to thank the following donors for their generosity and support: Ingevity, the Titmus Foundation, the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation, Mr. Ralph Costen, Mr. Glen White and Ms. Michelle Cox. A sign to hang in the gymnasium was presented, along with signed team photographs for each donor. After the dedication ceremony, Rev. Anne Grizzle blessed the floor, and Mrs. Tammy Scruggs-Duncan, of the Alleghany Arts Council, sang the National Anthem. The ceremony was followed by our traditional basketball game of Boys Home Staff vs. the Boys Home Hilltoppers team. The Hilltoppers were victorious!

Boys Home Hilltoppers basketball team pictured with donors who made the gym floor renovation possible