If a boy in your life needs support like Boys Home, chances are you’re facing some anxiety and confusion.  That’s understandable.  But we want to make it as easy as possible for you, so here you’ll find questions we’re commonly asked along with answers that will help make your decision easier.

How is a young man accepted into Boys Home?

Most of our students are placed here by parents or guardians. After an interview and campus tour, young men who are accepted are welcomed into the Intake and Evaluation Center for 30 to 60 days. During that time, we evaluate and assess each boy and his needs to make sure we’re able to help him educationally, socially and behaviorally.  To learn more about this process, click here.

Once a boy is accepted into our program, he’ll live in a cottage with other young men and be guided daily by house parents and other Boys Home staff.

Students attend the on-campus Boys Home School. If they are academically behind their peers, we offer small class sizes and tutoring to improve their chances of academic success.

What are the charges for the program?

Families are charged on a sliding scale according to their ability to pay for the services. No boy is turned away due to his family’s inability to pay, and extensive scholarships are available.

If you are a parent who needs to make a tuition payment, please click here.

What does Boys Home do?

Boys Home provides care and education for young men from ages 6 to 17.  Some have no suitable home. Others have challenges that might best be solved away from their immediate home. The Boys Home program offers caring emotional support and guidance, on-campus schooling, a religious life program focused on building a boy spiritually, and vocational or technical training.

What is the mission of Boys Home?

For over 100 years, Boys Home has been successful in helping young men develop their potential in four key ways — mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. By providing young men with a caring, committed and supportive environment, they’re given the tools they need to grow into responsible, contributing citizens and members of society.

Throughout our history, our goals have remained constant: to help boys develop their minds, bodies and souls; to build character; and to educate, motivate and guide.  This important Episcopal outreach has made a pivotal difference in the lives of thousands of young men.

When was Boys Home founded?

The Rev. G. Floyd Rogers, the local priest for Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Covington, Virginia, founded Boys Home in 1906. Boys Home (then called Grace Mission) began as a school, and later became a home for children from the surrounding mountains who did not have access to education.

How is Boys Home funded?

Boys Home is 98% privately funded.  The majority of the contributions we receive come from individuals, but we also receive generous support from organizations, churches, businesses and foundations

For more information, contact:

Boys Home of Virginia 414 Boys Home Road Covington, VA  24426 info@boyshomeofva.org