
  • By Laura Robertson
  • Posted:
  • Events, News

Fall Open House hosted at Boys Home!

On Thursday, October 13, Boys Home of Virginia hosted an attentive crowd at the Fall Open House. The day began at 10:30 a.m. with guests viewing displays and projects prepared by teachers and students. At 11:00 a.m., Executive Director Chris Doyle welcomed the group and gave an update on how he is enjoying his first year on “The Hill.” Development Director Elaine Brelsford introduced selected staff members and asked each of them questions concerning their positions at Boys Home, their responsibilities and what they love about their jobs. Guests were encouraged to ask questions and participate in discussions. Staff speakers included: Teresa Johnson – Principal, Jason Bush – Director of Facilities, Kenny Bess – Program Director and Louis Sarratt – Trades Program teacher and Special Projects.

At noon, guests, students and staff enjoyed a delicious lunch in the dining hall. Following the meal, guests experienced a self-guided tour of the campus before proceeding on to All Saints’ Chapel for a student panel discussion, also run by Mrs. Brelsford. Cody, Rylee and Mulu did a wonderful job answering questions about their lives at Boys Home, their likes and dislikes, and their plans for the future. Guests were impressed with the candid, heartfelt responses of the students.

Boys Home is grateful to all who came to the event. The campus is located in a beautiful setting and is home to up to 60 young men ages 6-17 who either have no suitable home environment or who have difficulties that might best be solved away from their immediate home. If you’d like a tour or would like more information, please call Boys Home at 540-965-7717.

  • By Laura Robertson
  • Posted:
  • News

Boys Home Celebrates 1st Nine Weeks Honor Roll for Fall 2022 Semester

Boys Home of Virginia is excited to announce the students who achieved A and A/B honor roll for the first nine weeks of the fall semester. Skylar Pruitt, an A honor roll student, was asked what contributed to his high achievement. He stated, “I worked hard and focused. I knew what I wanted to achieve. I worked diligently to make it happen.” Accelerated Reader is a program that will be introduced in the second nine weeks of the semester. The goal of the program is to assist all students in achieving a higher reading level. Boys Home is proud of all the honor roll students. Congratulations! 

Front row (left to right) | Rylee Callis and Skylar Pruitt (A honor roll)

Second row (left to right) | Christofer Silvas-Holguin, Ephy Morris, Jareem Reid, Tim Kengni, Sedekee Koroma, Nicholas Rodgers, Kemon Lewis, Noe Tenke and Mason Peterson (A/B honor roll)

Third row (left to right) | Sage Custalow, Akon Deng, Isaiah Giday, Cody Payne, Deleon Lee and Mulu Slawta (A/B honor roll)

  • By Laura Robertson
  • Posted:
  • News

Indoor and Outdoor Christmas Decorations Requested for Boys Home of Virginia

A time-honored tradition at Boys Home is the annual Christmas cottage decorating contest. The tradition started in 1966 and is anticipated by all on the hill. Darling Cottage was the winning cottage for 2021 and is pictured above. As you and your families are sorting through and putting away your Christmas decorations this year, please keep us in mind. If there are any decorations you no longer use, they would make a wonderful addition to the Boys Home community. The noble mission of Boys Home currently serves over forty young men. We appreciate your assistance in making their homes shine brightly this holiday season!

  • By Laura Robertson
  • Posted:
  • Alumni, News

Boys Home Logo Featured in NASCAR’s Talladega Speedway Race

John Tolsch, a Boys Home of Virginia alumnus, goes the extra mile to spread the word about a place he used to call home. On Sunday, October 2, the Boys Home logo was proudly displayed on the #47 Xfinity racecar. The logo was trimmed in pink in honor of breast cancer awareness month. John has worked with Nascar for ten years, adding the Boys Home logo when there is an open spot on a racecar. He uses his own money to pay for the advertisement spot, which often comes with a hefty price.

John was a resident from 1979-1981, arriving when he was thirteen years old. He states, “I saw a positive change almost immediately: my grades improved, I was more disciplined and I grew spiritually. I also enjoyed being in the Boys Home Singers.” Two former houseparents, Ms. Huffman and Ms. Rice, stood out as impactful to him. John shares, “They treated me like a second son. I am grateful to have had them in my life.” When asked what motivates him to continuously give back, he explains, “Boys Home was a blessing to me and my brother. They gave us so much. Now, I want to give back and spread the word about such a great organization.” Boys Home is grateful for John’s support of the program, helping to provide a new path toward success for many young men.