Linda Angle began her career at Boys Home as a houseparent more than 10 years ago, along with her husband, Ronnie, who is now a member of the maintenance department. She grew up in Alleghany County and was very familiar with Boys Home and the individuals it serves.
Angle started as a houseparent for students in early high school, but she has since transitioned to caring for elementary and middle school aged children. “This age is the most fun,” Angle shares. “I enjoy teaching them new and different things. They like to learn.”
Angle also helps with the equine program on campus and believes that one could draw parallels in working with the students and working with the horses. “They both require a calm, level approach. You have to earn their trust.”
She goes on to explain that students learn a lot from working with the horses. “The horses can reflect the mood and demeanor of the boy,” shares Angle. “Students learn to balance being firm and affectionate. Because the horses tend to mimic the boys’ behavior, they must control their moods to effectively work with the horses.” She acknowledges that the students’ success in training is all in how they act and react to the horses. Learning to positively manage their reactions in life is an important behavioral skill for the young men at Boys Home.
Associate Director of Program Chad Whitmer credits Angle with being a true asset to Boys Home and having a solid work ethic. Angle states that her longevity in one of the most challenging positions is because of the students. “It’s the kids that keep me here,” she explains.