
  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • Boys Appeals, News

Boys Appeal- Winter 2016

The Winter 2016 Boys Appeal Newsletter can be viewed here

The Boys Appeal is a newsletter to supporters, parents, alumni, and friends with updates about what’s going on at Boys Home. Boys Home publishes the Boys Appeal 3 times a year.


CLICK HERE to read full articles about the Teach a Man to Fish event.
Sequoia belize mission trip group photo
CLICK HERE to read Sequoia’s full story about his experience in Belize.

  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • News

Sequoia’s Mission Trip to Belize

Photo courtesy of St. John's Episcopal Church in Lynchburg, VA.
Photo courtesy of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Lynchburg, VA.

In the summer of 2015, Boys Home resident Sequoia went on a mission trip to Belize with St. John’s and St. Paul’s Episcopal Churches of Lynchburg, VA. The group tracked their travels on Facebook- CLICK HERE to see photos and videos of their trip. Sequoia tells about the mission trip below.  Enjoy!

Sometime in the middle of spring (2015) on a random day, Mr. Wheatley walks up to me and asks me,” Sequoia what do you think of Belize?” I told him, “What about it?” He answered,” Want to go there?” I replied, “Yes sir, I would love to go but where is it? And what would I be doing there?” He told me, “It’s right under Mexico, and you would be doing mission work down there.” “Wow!!!” I couldn’t believe I was going out of country to a place I’d never been. I was excited about it. The only thing that was the slightest issue was getting my passport so I could go. It took a while but eventually we got all in order and sure enough I was in Charlotte North Carolina with all my bags of stuff next to the crowd of strangers I would be departing with. It was really funny when I went to all the trip planning meetings I didn’t know anyone, they kind of ignored me and I did the same to them. They didn’t talk to me, I didn’t talk to them it was awkward if anything everyone else knew each other and all went to the same High School in Lynchburg.

  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • News

Boys Home is a St. Nicholas Day Appeal Recipient!

unnamed-e1449759278816We are excited to announce that we were chosen as one of two recipients for this year’s St. Nicholas Day Appeal. Awarded annually by the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, this grant supports the mission and ministry of the Church and is entirely funded by donations from members of the Diocese.

The grant we received this year provided furnishings for our newly renovated Darling Cottage, which houses eight of our older boys and their two houseparents. The other recipient was a lunch program founded and hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church in Staunton.

Pictured below is some of the furniture purchased with the grant. We are very thankful to everyone who supported the St. Nicholas Day Appeal and very thankful to the Dioceses for blessing us as a recipient.

IMG_0139      IMG_0141


  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • News

What do Christmas trees and boys have in common?

tree standWhat do Christmas trees and boys have in common? Click HERE to read a great article from The News Virginian in Waynesboro, VA about our tree farm in West Augusta, VA. The tree farm is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 10am-4pm through December 20. We hope to see you there!

An article published a few years ago the Roanoke Times website describes the connection between nurturing Christmas trees and boys in need of change. Read the full article here.

WHSV-3 from Harrisonburg, VA, ran a great report on the tree farm in 2015 titled, “Youth Build Skills at Christmas Tree Farm.” For video of the full report, click here.

Click here for more information about our tree farm.