The Jessie Ball duPont Fund has once again committed to providing Boys Home of Virginia with up to $25,000 in online match funding. The first $500 of each online donation made online will be matched 1:1 from November 1 – 30th.
They are also offering a special 2:1 match for every online donation received up to $500 on Giving Tuesday, November 29.
Chris Doyle and Laura Robertson from Boys Home of Virginia joined us on Here @ Home to talk about the mission of the organization and who they serve.
Boys Home was excited for seven members of Trinity Episcopal Church in Staunton, Virginia, to teach a fall fly-fishing clinic. The clinic was led by Paul Bugas, a true fly-fishing expert and co-author of Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Virginia. The afternoon began with an instructional class. Paul kept the students engaged by making the class interactive and informative. Afterward, the students practiced their fly-fishing casts in an open field. The teacher-to-student ratio was low, allowing for individual attention and instruction. Once this portion was complete, it was time to put the students’ new skills to the test. The sun was beginning to set, therefore, it was the perfect time to fish the Boys Home pond.
While at the pond, students were able to combine classroom instruction and their casting lessons together into action. The event was a wonderful experience for everyone involved. Boys Home had an exciting visitor participate. Former Executive Director Travis Tysinger (1974 – 1984) joined the fun as a teacher. The fly-fishing clinic covered many areas of Boys Home’s mission and helped the students develop mentally, physically and socially.
On Friday, November 25, Boys Home Christmas Tree Farm will open for its 29th season. The updated hours for the 2022 season are below. In her bequest, Joanne Tannehill, left her Augusta County Tree Farm to Boys Home as a teaching and learning experience for students. The Boys Home Christmas Tree Farm is maintained throughout the year by the Christmas tree farm manager and students. In the spring, students assist with planting young seedlings and relocating mature transplants to the tree field. In the summer and fall, they shear trees and groom the fields. Once the Christmas tree farm opens, students assist visitors with choosing a Christmas tree, cutting down the tree and loading the tree on their vehicle.
If you’re purchasing a live tree this season, please consider a visit to the Boys Home Christmas Tree Farm. The purchase will support an organization that serves as a home for the holidays and all year round for over forty young men.
Tree Farm Dates and Hours for 2022
Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday
November 25, 26, 27 | 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Open Saturday and Sunday
December 3-4, 10-11 and Saturday, December 17 | 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Santa will be here for photos on December 3 and 4 | 11:00 AM — 3:00 PM
Address: 1118 Bear Wallow Flat, West Augusta, VA, 24485
On Thursday, October 13, Boys Home of Virginia hosted an attentive crowd at the Fall Open House. The day began at 10:30 a.m. with guests viewing displays and projects prepared by teachers and students. At 11:00 a.m., Executive Director Chris Doyle welcomed the group and gave an update on how he is enjoying his first year on “The Hill.” Development Director Elaine Brelsford introduced selected staff members and asked each of them questions concerning their positions at Boys Home, their responsibilities and what they love about their jobs. Guests were encouraged to ask questions and participate in discussions. Staff speakers included: Teresa Johnson – Principal, Jason Bush – Director of Facilities, Kenny Bess – Program Director and Louis Sarratt – Trades Program teacher and Special Projects.
At noon, guests, students and staff enjoyed a delicious lunch in the dining hall. Following the meal, guests experienced a self-guided tour of the campus before proceeding on to All Saints’ Chapel for a student panel discussion, also run by Mrs. Brelsford. Cody, Rylee and Mulu did a wonderful job answering questions about their lives at Boys Home, their likes and dislikes, and their plans for the future. Guests were impressed with the candid, heartfelt responses of the students.
Boys Home is grateful to all who came to the event. The campus is located in a beautiful setting and is home to up to 60 young men ages 6-17 who either have no suitable home environment or who have difficulties that might best be solved away from their immediate home. If you’d like a tour or would like more information, please call Boys Home at 540-965-7717.