Boys Home Spring Open House is a huge success!


On Thursday, April 28, Boys Home of Virginia hosted a crowd of 77 guests at their Spring Open House. The day began with a second showing of the student play “The Living Last Supper” at 10:30 a.m. As always, the students did an amazing job. In addition, teachers and students had prepared an array of displays and projects for guests to preview.

At 11:30 a.m., a delicious lunch was served by the Boys Home dining staff. The meal was followed by a fun and informative Q & A panel discussion which included three current students – Nick, Haden and Chris, as well as staff member, Mr. Donnie Costigan, who is also an alumnus of Boys Home. Guests also enjoyed meeting the new executive director of Boys Home, Mr. Chris Doyle, and hearing him answer a few panel questions as well.

At 1:00 p.m., guests were dismissed to enjoy a self-guided walking tour of the Boys Home campus including the executive director’s home and the Martha Terry Museum. At 2:00 p.m., all visitors were invited to gather at the Boys Home bridge to watch the conclusion of the Spring Cowabunga fundraising event. Congratulations to Mrs. Caroline English of Greenville, South Carolina on purchasing the winning cow!

Boys Home is grateful to all who came to the event. The campus is located in a beautiful setting and is home to up to 60 young men ages 6-17 who either have no suitable home environment or who have difficulties that might best be solved away from their immediate home. If you’d like a tour or would like more information, please call Boys Home at 540-965-7717.

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