Boys Home of Virginia Celebrates Former Board of Trustee Members!

Boys Home of Virginia is hosting a special luncheon to welcome home former members of the Boys Home Board of Trustees on Friday, April 14. The board of trustees is a group of individuals who have voluntarily served the students since 1906. The board meets quarterly to make sure the mission of Boys Home is being met and that the organization is continuing to thrive. All past board members are invited to attend.  

Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. at the administration building followed by a tour of the facility. The tour will focus on new renovations and additions, as well as provide members an opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the campus. Guests will then be treated to a complimentary lunch with staff and students in the dining hall at 12:00 p.m. At 1:00 p.m. select staff members, along with Executive Director Chris Doyle, will give an update regarding the current and future plans for the Boys Home community. 

If you are a former trustee of Boys Home and would like to attend, please RSVP to Melinda at or 540-965-7707 by Friday, April 7.

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