Boys Home Logo Featured in NASCAR’s Talladega Speedway Race

John Tolsch, a Boys Home of Virginia alumnus, goes the extra mile to spread the word about a place he used to call home. On Sunday, October 2, the Boys Home logo was proudly displayed on the #47 Xfinity racecar. The logo was trimmed in pink in honor of breast cancer awareness month. John has worked with Nascar for ten years, adding the Boys Home logo when there is an open spot on a racecar. He uses his own money to pay for the advertisement spot, which often comes with a hefty price.

John was a resident from 1979-1981, arriving when he was thirteen years old. He states, “I saw a positive change almost immediately: my grades improved, I was more disciplined and I grew spiritually. I also enjoyed being in the Boys Home Singers.” Two former houseparents, Ms. Huffman and Ms. Rice, stood out as impactful to him. John shares, “They treated me like a second son. I am grateful to have had them in my life.” When asked what motivates him to continuously give back, he explains, “Boys Home was a blessing to me and my brother. They gave us so much. Now, I want to give back and spread the word about such a great organization.” Boys Home is grateful for John’s support of the program, helping to provide a new path toward success for many young men.