Help comes to us in many forms
2025 Wish List
Items of the Month: Hand soap and tissues
Boys Home needs good used cars, trucks and vans. The vehicles must be safe and in good working order. If you have a used vehicle to donate, please contact development at 540-620-6108.
Boys Home has recently updated our donation policy, based on our current needs and to ensure the safety of the young men we serve. We understand donors want to offer support in different ways, and we are grateful for your faithfulness!
If you have any questions, please contact Director of Development J.R. Farrington at jrfarrington@boyshomeofva. org or (980) 258-1484.
1. Our revised policy is to accept new items only with items such as: clothing, shoes, socks, sheets, pillowcases, etc.
2. If the donation is food or personal care items (bodywash, toothpaste, chapstick, etc.), we ask that containers are unopened and have at least 90 days before the expiration date.
3. Donations may be delivered to Boys Home Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
School Supply List
- Disinfecting wipes
- Composition notebooks
3 ring binders
- Mechanical pencils and #2 pencils
Personal Care Items
- Bodywash
- Belts (reversable black/brown – sizes 30, 32, 34 and 36)
- Body lotion
- Chapstick
- Towels and washcloths
- Hair picks and combs
- Ethnic hair products (moisturizing shampoo, co-wash, hair oil, wave caps and boar bristle hairbrushes)
Other Needed Items
- New frying pans and pots
- Inspirational wall decor
Small and large clear totes
Clothes hangers
- Alarm clocks
- Ear plugs
- Hand tools
- Lumber (all sizes)
- Nails (*spikes)
- Power tools
- Safety glasses
- Screws
- Tractor (preferably New Holland, 45-50HP, Cat 2, 4×4, Hydrostatic, Hydraulic hookups on back, front loader & hay spear)