Support Us

Why Support Boys Home?

Nearly 100% of our support comes from private funding.

The young men who live at Boys Home depend on people like you. The majority of our contributions come from individuals, organizations, churches, and foundations. 

Boys Home offers:

  • Tuition assistance–no one is turned away due to their inability to pay.
  • A supportive school environment
  • Caring adult supervision
  • Focus on instilling our values of respect, spirituality, integrity, and accountability
  • Opportunities for fun, growth, and exploration 

For more than 100 years, Boys Home has demonstrated:

  • Financial responsibility
  • Ability to adapt to the changing needs of our population
  • Consistent, values-based programming 

To make a quick and easy gift, click here.

CASE FOR SUPPORT – Click the image below to view the document.


Other ways to help:

Earn tax credits: Boys Home participates in the Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP), which provides state tax credits for select contributions. Boys Home also participates in the Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credits Program, which provides tax credits for donations that provide scholarships for Boys Home students. 

Car Donations: Donate your used car, motorcycle, or RV to benefit the young men in our care.