After several attempts to find a suitable foster home for him, Jerimia came to Boys Home at the age of eleven. His CASA worker initiated the placement at Boys Home where she thought he would receive the support, care and structure that he needed. It wasn’t until years later that this woman’s vision for Jerimia became a reality.
As a young child, Jerimia had been in charge of caring for his younger siblings and making his own decisions – he was a defiant, stubborn teenager that taxed the patience of many staff members at Boys Home.
As he matured, he found achievement in art, scouts and sports, later becoming an Eagle Scout from Troop 66 at Boys Home. He held an off-campus job, graduated from high school and became a responsible, dependable citizen.
After graduation, in 2001, he joined the U.S. Army as a truck driver. He remains in the armed forces today in movement control, currently on his 5th deployment to the Middle East. J.F. maintains contact with his biological family, but he is also a close member of the Boys Home family. Jerimia is married and has a young daughter.