
Boys Home is more than a place to live. It is a place to grow.




How the Process Works

For over a century, the Boys Home program has included a plan that eases the transition for our students.

Phase I: Welcome and Evaluation

The first experience of communal living in a rural setting can be challenging for some young men. However, most learn quickly how much more life and relationships have to offer. Students spend 30-60 days in our Wheatley Center to get comfortable in their new home while also having ample time to complete mental, academic, and personal evaluations. We learn about your child’s needs as he makes friends, attends school, and becomes comfortable with the structure of life at Boys Home.

Phase II: Independent Living

Following a successful evaluation phase, the child moves to family-style living in a cottage with other young men his own age. To support our residents through the growth process, daily activities are scheduled for each cottage. Together with their peers, they take part in the campus work program, chapel, sports, and other activities that provide opportunities to grow and interact.

Phase III: Experiential Living

Once students move through the independent living phase, experiential living is designed to build life skills and prepare them for the transition into adulthood in the outside world. They have opportunities to take part in a wide range of campus and community activities, including recreation, sports, volunteering, leadership roles on campus, and church programs. The Boys Home program helps them plan for life after Boys Home and build confidence in the skills they will need to succeed.


All residents attend the Boys Home School on campus. Boys Home School places a specific focus on helping students catch up to their grade levels, with an emphasis on a low student-to-teacher ratio. Boys Home is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Specialized Education Facilities (VAISEF) and the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS).

HIPAA Statement

Boys Home complies with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations. Each guardian will receive documentation to review and sign at admission.

Civil Rights

In accordance with Federal civil rights law, Boys Home does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. It is the policy of Boys Home to provide equal opportunity employment to all employees and applicants for employment. Furthermore, no person shall be discriminated against in employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, or handicap.

Boys Home of Virginia is an equal opportunity employer.