Author: Asianna Holloway

  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • Alumni, News

Alumni Share Empathy, Understanding, and Advice

Jokwaun (center) and Mike (right) talk to students in the gym.

 “What happens after students leave Boys Home?” is a question staff members hear often. Yesterday, recent graduates Mike and Jokwaun (2017 and 2016) visited campus to talk to the current students about their experiences at Boys Home and after graduating. They also asked current students about their future hopes and plans, and shared some good advice.

In his time at Boys Home, Mike says his biggest struggle was learning to control his emotions, illustrating his point with a story about basketball. One day, Mike and his teammates showed up to basketball practice to discover that their coach had quit unexpectedly. While they were wondering what to do, Mr. Whitmer arrived.

“I don’t know anything about basketball,” he said. “But I can teach athleticism.”

That day, learning athleticism meant running. A lot. For almost the whole practice, the team did nothing but suicides (sprinting drills going back and forth across the court). Toward the end, Mike and his teammates were exhausted. Mike lay on the floor and decided not to get up. However, when Mr. Whitmer told him if he got up and ran one more in less than 16 seconds, the whole team could go home, the rest of the team helped him up and urged him to try one more time. That time, with the encouragement of his teammates, Mike ran the last one in 15 seconds.

Looking back, Mike realized that the biggest challenge that day was learning to overcome his emotions. Laying on the floor, he was feeling tired, and frustrated, and possibly angry. Once his teammates helped him move past his emotions, he was better able to give it his all, run faster, and not let his team down.

Mike urged current students not to let their emotions control them either. He advised them not to focus on the now, or on their feelings of frustration, or anger, but instead, to focus on where they want to go, and how they’re going to get there. Every challenge is an opportunity to improve yourself.

Afer Mike spoke, Jokwaun talked about his time after leaving Boys Home. He told about how his first few years after graduating were challenging, being back home without much structure in his life, and close to the same negative influences that brought him to Boys Home initially. However, he soon realized that that wasn’t the lifestyle he wanted to have. After some thought, he decided to enlist in the army. Next thing he knew, he was sent to Fort Benning, GA, for basic training!

Jokwaun’s decision also had an unintended ripple effect. Before visiting the army recruiter’s office, he called Mike and told him he was getting his life back on track and enlisting in the army. Mike, too, was struggling with finding his place in life after leaving Boys Home. The call from Jokwaun served as a wake-up call, encouraging him to reevaluate his priorities and change his life for the better.

Today, Mike is a successful entrepreneur, running a sneaker business and an ATM business. He also works as a chef at Uno’s and in his free time, he writes and records his music. Jokwaun is a member of the US Army, stationed in Korea. In his spare time, he also writes and records music. All at Boys Home were happy to see them, and we wish them all the best!

Jokwaun and Mike pose with houseparent Mr. Smith.
  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • Events, News

Cottage Decorating Contest

The Boys Home annual Christmas cottage decorating contest was a huge success! Several cottages participated and outdid themselves with colors, creativity, and over all Christmas spirit this year. Usually prizes are awarded for the best Christmas tree, indoor decorations, and outdoor decorations. Unfortunately, this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, they were only judged on their outdoor decorations. The winning cottages were: 1st place – Brown Cottage and 2nd place – Whitehead Cottage. Congratulations to the winners, and great job to all who participated!

Brown cottage
Whitehead cottage
  • By Asianna Holloway
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  • News, Uncategorized

Boys Home Receives $5,000 Grant from Cox Charities

Cox employees surprised Virginia nonprofits, including Boys Home of Virginia, with the news that they each won $5,000 grants on a Zoom call November 17.

Now more than ever, Cox employees are dedicated to giving back and supporting their communities and neighbors. It’s because of their generous contributions, Cox Charities awarded $5,000 grants to 18 nonprofits, for a total of $90,000, during a surprise video call. In addition to awarding grants to community nonprofits, a donation of $9,100 was made to the Cox Employee Relief Fund (CERF) on behalf of employees. CERF is a 501(c)3 dedicated to assisting employees and their families impacted by natural disasters, injury or illness, or loss of a family member.

As a family-owned business with employees living and working in local communities, Cox employees work to build a better future for the next generation. To date, Cox employees in Virginia have donated more than $1.2 million to Virginia nonprofits through Cox Charities. 

Boys Home was surprised, delighted, and thankful for the generosity of Cox Charities. Grant money will go toward helping our students grow and thrive during their time at Boys Home!

  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • Events, News

Giving Tuesday Raises Nearly $10,000 for Boys Home!

On Tuesday, December 1st, Boys Home of Virginia celebrated its most successful Giving Tuesday yet! In one day, Boys Home raised nearly $10,000! This year’s success was made possible thanks to a matching grant from the Jessie Ball DuPont Fund. Through December 31st, the Fund has committed to matching up to $25,000 for donations to Boys Home received online at

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who’s made a donation, said a prayer, or sent an encouraging word. Through a challenging year, the outpouring of support from the community has made it possible for the students at Boys Home to continue receiving the care and guidance they need. All funds raised on Giving Tuesday will be used to support our students, helping pay for items such as school supplies, winter clothing, meals, transportation, and recreational activities. 

Thank you!

  • By Asianna Holloway
  • Posted:
  • News, Uncategorized

Lex Running Shop Supports Boys Home and More

Since 2018, Lex Running Shop has sponsored the annual Boys Home Harvest Hustle, providing much-appreciated prizes to the winners of each race in each age category. We are so grateful for their continuing support!

This year, Boys Home was able to give back by donating unused race medals to Lex Running Shop. Through a partnership with the organization Medals4Mettle, race medals are collected, given a new lanyard, and awarded to children and adults for the mettle and courage they demonstrate battling cancer, chronic illness, trauma and other life challenges. Boys Home is grateful to be able to partner with Lex Running Shop to spread kindness and compassion to those running an even more difficult race.

Jess Reid, of Lex Running Shop, displays medals donated by Boys Home.